Fanciful Face Masks

Doing my part to stay safe and help others I made two facemasks from paper. Just happened we had recently bought a new shopvac and with it was a brand new huge white vacuum bag. It was not marked HEPA but I used it anyway. On a site called Sweet Red Poppy is a downloadable pattern for a mask that you can sew from fabric or like I did, glue a paper one together. I recently got some delightful cocktail napkins from Caspari online so I decided to cover my mask with a charming print by Parvaneh Holloway , one of my favorite Caspari artists. These napkins are printed in Germany and have perfect registration and vivid colors. I used the "adult" pattern for both mine and Ken's mask and altho Ken's fit him great (he is quite tall) mine was a bit big so if I make any more masks, I'll use the "teenage" size for me. I used twist-tab wire in the nose area. BTW--Don't you love my cute top ? I got it used at a local consignment shop called "...