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The old city part where there is a big open area where snake charmers, monkey trainers, and various entertainers hang out and put on a show. One of the big attractions for locals are the story tellers, where you see a crowd of people gathered around...lots of smoke in the air from vendors selling stuff cooked on small charcoal fires. Hard to breathe there. 

One of the mosque towers near the old city part of Marrakesh.
Dave relaxing on the sofa on the inner terrace of the upstairs guest area at Daniel´s house. Note the cement floor. It is an old hex tile floor. 

Ok--finally got it by way of a lot of work-arounds. And the Spanish version does not have the links to post, etc, in the same location as the English version, so you can´t just guess BTW.
This is a photo of a dead tree along the street and on top of the wacked off truck are crane nests. So it is made into sort of a sculptural thing. This was in a very clean, nice small city , Uarzazate, near the motion picture hot-spot of Morocco. Lots of Biblical and Ben-Hur type films are made in the area. Some Russell Corwe gladiator film was made there and one of the locals we met had his "crew" pass framed in his mud house and photos of himself and R.C.