Tool Cool - Random Stripe Generator

This web app will create for you instant striped patterns where you chose the colors, line widths, etc...if you don't like the first version , you simply click the browser refresh button get a new version....repeat till you get one you really like.
To save you have to do a screenshot (can't do a right click 'save image as') but they tell you how, sort of. If you don't know how, read your Windows help files. Why don't people know to use the Windows help files .......? Pet peeeeeve of mine. (for XP: Start/Search/Info in Help & Support Center or similar)
This page was put online for knitters, but this is handy for making web graphics, craftspeople or any digital graphics for that matter. Or just for a fun time waster....what the web is best for anyway....Random Stripe Generator
technorati tag - random stripe generator