Mardi Gras Parades

Yesterday afternoon was fun. I skipped the morning parade in Gulf Shores but went to the Orange Beach parade. I was at Silver Beach Condos to take photos of the snowbirds and the party given by Picard Rentals for their website. Once back here, I edited 90 photos last night !! But now they are ready to add to their site today. Picard had a cook-out in the parking lot, fun and games before the parade started.
Today is suppose to go up to 70 degrees---yeah !!
My friends at Picard Rentals climb up on the balcony over the elevator lobby and throw fancy beads and surprises during their snowbird (old folks from the north who rent during winter) party and before the parade comes by.
Down here Mardi Gras is a family event and the local churches all have floats. Everybody but the Baptists that is.
The guy by the orange float is my very good friend Mark Berson who is pres. of the Chamber here. The float had a big shrimp in the front but i didn't get a good photo of it.