Creative Halloween Costumes

Tired of the same old off-the-rack costumes? Want to get inspired to create something wonderful for next to nothing? One fellow named Rob Cockerham has documented for years his zany costume construction in step by step photos and clear instructions. He has won some way cool prizes at parties too.
I loved reading about the construction of the photo flashing Paparazzi Costume--using discarded disposable camera cases that he takes apart and re-wires to flash in unison. It was a winner. You can see the costumes of others at the parties he went to.
Rob has also made some fun things that are not costumes, but just plain fun sculptures. Just look around the site. Many of his creations are made from light weight unsightly foam signs from get rich quick schemes that he gathers off of utility poles. As a result, he has a whole page of letters he has received from people who were ripped off by these schemes.
Another whole aspect of his creativity is to determine how much is inside. This includes things like Sharpie pens--how many CDs can be labeled with one Sharpie. See what all he has to go thru to find this out.
Bet you have never seen a banana skin vest before. He had some trouble finding an adhesive to hold the banana skins to the fabric....but you can read all about it....

There is a lot on this site if you dig around, the links are not always that obvious--but if you ever wondered about Burning Man, Rob attended in 2001 and tells us all about his experiences w/ photos. In fact, he made the big silver wings for Burning Man originally.
He has some travel photos and advice too--Costa Rica
I love this guy's projects and wish he'd have been on our Odyssey of the Mind teams ! Maybe he is an OM alumni.
See his whole menu of fascinating offerings on the HOME page