Virtual Prison Break-Out

A Creative Web Biz...
I like this person's idea that uses Photoshop to provide a unique online service at a very low cost.
Friends Beyond The Wall will let you upload a photo taken in a prison visiting area and they will cut out the image of you and your loved ones and place you in more normal surroundings, such as a vacation backdrop for a photograph to display on one's mantel or desk, etc..
If a family member is incarcerated in the same facility over a number of years, then all photos will always have the same concrete block background. This can be a source of embarassment and shame for children and family and at best just a constant reminder of the circumstances. By having a family photo with a pleasant background, fewer unwanted questions are raised at work or by neighbors who might not need to know everyone's whereabouts. The cost = $10
Quality varies depending on lighting and how well the poses and background matches the shot, but to an untrained eye, it can look pretty good.