WebmasterWorld & Viking Cats

I never would have expected it. Never. WebmasterWorld site has been down for a couple days now....and on top of that it happened right at the beginning of a Google shuffle of search results indexing. For webby types, called SERPS. Anyway, The owner of WebmasterWorld managed to shuffle a bare framework of the WMW forums over to another site as best as possible till things can be repaired upline where the problem occured. He couldn't put a link or anything up--so it was interesting to see who found the alternate site and how quickly and so forth.
I think this is an example of a type of problem where the usefullness of blogs and engines that search and index blogs can be really the solution.
By searching, I found the temp. alternate site in no time from people discussing it in other forums and blogs.
Going to the alt. WMW site and finding it off the air was sorta like going to the class that was moved across the campus and no note was on the door but somehow the clever people were finding the class.
For anyone who is interested in reading how an important site like that made and run by the very people who tell others how to never get in a situation like this--go to the alt site http://www.searchengineworld.com
Now, this second or third day of being down, Brett was finally able to put a functional plain text page on the WMW site to link them to the alt site--but he also put a link to this clever little movie. Turn sound on !
Be sure to watch it to the end. Start the Movie
Have Fun. Lundy