WEVL Pledge Drive

Just got a call from Joyce Cobb, one of the singing Memphis Divas.

She was fund raisin' for WEVL (We be Volunteers) FM 90 radio. I think they get Joyce to do the phone calls 'cause she is famous and figure that people will be more likely to say 'YES'. It is bi-annual pledge drive time.

WEVL is one of the country's few totally listener supported radio stations. Not NPR, not Public Radio, etc.....its got to have that listener funding.

Fortunately I can listen online, when I remember to. Thurs nite 9 till midnight is just about my favorite show, The Night Train w/ Charles.
I told her I'd do a basic membership since I am out of town and rarely listen anymore, but I love that diverse format station. I was very involved when I was in Memphis, on the board, etc.

If it wasn't for WEVL, I wouldn't have learned to dance Zydeco ! I also wouldn't know about most of the music I love.


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