Tile Delivery

The cement tile for the house arrived today. Included with it were a lot, but not all of the samples. I was only able to unpack the boxes on the top level of the stacks on the pallets. It was incredibly hot and they are incredibly heavy and I have a torn rotator cuff muscle. My doc appt is tomorrow w/ the shoulder surgeon in P'cola. My app't is a 1:30 p.m. but it pretty much takes your whole day to make a trip over to Pensacola.
The tiles look fabo. For some reason, some are nicely polished and others are not. I will have to write the factory and see how exactly they brought up the great shine on some of them. I sure wish they had e ALL of them. I ordered them all polished. I think it will be a lot easier to communicate effectively after I make the trip to the Dominican Republic to meet the owner and visit the factory.

Anyway, I do have 2 customers who have been waiting on samples, so I shot emails off to them tonight, with photos.


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