Island Idol Finals

Last night was the Finals of the 'Island Idol Contest' at the Bama Keys Rockin' Piano Bar in Orange Beach. It was more like the Gong Show. There should have been a hook.
The young man in these photos was really pretty good and full of enthuisasm.
The whole event was Pure-D Honky Tonk....but fun to stand in the background and watch. Don't know who won, but the owners had a good marketing idea for voting. You were given a ballot when you entered, and every beer one bought thereafter came with one more ballot.
I took these photos early on. The place filled w/ standing room only befrore we left.
My G.S. bank branch manager's wife was contestant number 9, but we left before it was her turn. We did get to hear her do a 'warm up' song, and she was talented.
I don't know who won---( does it matter ;o)