Every day I think, well I had better spend the time I sit in front of a computer doing something that earns money. I had to make two trips to meet with the land zoning dept office this week...they were very nice, optimistic and helpful.... jes doin ' their job. And good thing too, les it start to look like Pensacola around here. I had to go thru zoning since I want two separate buildings on this R-1 lot. I had bring plans, photos, to write letters, etc..stating that I would not use the small house as a separate living structure. All the magazine articles and good photos therein helped my cause I think. Just got a call from my builder, Dan Z and he said finally I should get my permit this afternoon or first thing Monday a.m. The inspectors wanted some sort of letter from Anil Badve the engineer, so Dan rounded that up and got it to them so looks like my trees may come out starting on Monday. Dan plans to be here on Monday to meet w/ concrete guy, start getting prices, etc...loo...