It's oooooo-o-o-over.

I am back in Gulf Shores. Flew to Mempho on the 19th and back on Xmas eve. Nice visit. Stayed w/ Momma. Amazingly, there was one day when all of us chullin were there together at one time. Stephen drove up from Mississippi, Lisa had just gotten back from taking her 3 grandchullin skiing in Colorado and Cary (w/ her two offspring) flew in for the day.
Momma says it is the first time we were all together in a long time. I see all of them pretty much, so I didn't realize that.
Now that i am back, I am doing web stuff ninty miles an hour. I have so many projects in motion. Tonight I am designing floor tiles to coordinate w/ Duralee fabrics. My good buddy, Marti, who works for Duralee and is a big hit w/ them for 'E' for effort & strong sales, is going to the annual sales meeting in New York in a couple days and I only found out yesterday. i want to have these drawings done for her to take w/ her.
I have spent massive amounts of time researching classic Hydraulic Cement Floor Tiles, aka Encaustic Tiles and a whole bunch of other terms. I decided that this is the absolute most perfect flooring for my new place. Absolutely. Trouble is, no one in the USA makes them anymore. And the are very heavy. I complied most of what I learned on this web page. Migght as well share the knowledge:
I am pretty determined about this. It is the perfect, green flooring. Waterproof and lasts centuries. I am thinking that it might be a good idea to make my own designs, make them coordinate w/ some popular fabric and get a fabric house excited about the possibility of selling more goods because of a tie in to the promotion for the flooring. I won't be using a lot of fabric in my place, but the average gal does. And, if I can make people aware of these way-cool floor tiles, then it is a service to mankind and might just end up working out for me in several ways. Plus I love the have seen them all over Latin America, Cuba, Spain, Portugal, fancy pancy mansions in south FL, and even France.
Next is a web project that Carol Mc and I are doing together. A website for moms in Memphis. Carol is writing content and I will do the web work.
Also a discussion forum for Dr. Skip P. in Tuscaloosa for patients to discuss the benefits of this startling discovery he made in his practice about IBS and fibromalgia. It is and is a work in progress. Can't believe that domain name wasn't taken, as over 450,000 domains are registered each day !!!
Well, I had decided that the Google Santa must have flown over my house this year , when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a neat white box in my mailbox today. I already knew what they were sending out this year cause the blabber-mouths on webmaster forums were discussing it. A cool flash drive w/ 2 gigs of storage (and to think that is double my first computer) and it is the size of a credit card and made like one. Thanks Larry and Sergei :o)
Plus, get this, Google included a credit card looking card that said it was a gift certificate for . I'd never heard of it, so I went to the website....
What this is , is a website where teachers post requests for stuff they want for their classroom and why. It has the total $ needed and you can browse around looking at the requests, or search for some using keywords. I put in 'physics' plus 'alabama' and found a teacher in Jasper wanting to buy rocket ship kits for general science. She had already gotten about 200 bucks of the total of $307 needed, so I put in my gift certificate and it said it was for a hundred bucks !! ... and it offered me the opportunity to chip in the additional $7.50 by CC or check so she'd get the total bucks for the rockets. I did that and now it is a done deal...
I remember in 5th grade, or maybe it was actually 4th or 3rd, cause he went to Riverdale for 5th, anyway..., at MtPisgah Middle when Miller got his teacher to come out to video tape him shooting off a rocket in the field behind the house. She said it was better to do it there than at the school. It was for some school project. I think he was the only one doing rockets for he assignment. It was just a little stepping stone to his enthusiasm for flying and getting all his pilots licenses. Maybe she will inspire a bunch of little future pilots. Thanks Larry and Sergei :o)
The site said I will get an email thank you note from the teacher. I'll tell her to write Google too.
