Happy Valentines Day from me to all my readers, faithful or otherwise.
I did not get any valentines in the mail to anyone this year...just no time for it. I may send Summertine greetings instead later on.
OK, that t of the way....
I just got this email from my bro Stephen who is an engineer at large manufacturing plant in Mississippi. He says:
This is a true incident that happened to me today on the production floor.Pretty funny...huh ?
There is a woman working here that is originally from the Ukraine. She has lived in the states for several years.
She approached me today smiling.
She said, “I was bored this weekend, so I learned the capital of every state.”
I said, “Fantastic. OK well then what is the capital of Missouri?”
She said, “m.”
I looked at her funny and said, “m? I don’t think so.”
She said, “I know it is because I learned them all this weekend while I was bored, I told you.”
I said, “Then what is the capital of Mississippi?”
She laughed and said, “m. The same as Missouri.” while laughing at me.
I said, “Is it not Jackson?”
She said, “No, it is m as well.”
She walked away proud of herself and it took me a few minutes to figure what just happened.
Beautiful weather (if chilly) here. Sunny skies and high is about 60 degrees. Men working on new house. See www.ConcreteCottage.com for latest photos and new videos.
My Scrapbook site has a ton of visitors today and yesterday...as many as 140 at once. Heather counted at as many as 14,000 downloads of one printable valentine !!! See what a great contribution Heather and I make to universal "Love One Another" ! We might get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize dontchathink ? And maybe a Academy Oscar video award too, now that i think of it.

Gotta run, tons to do today.