Katrina Photos

These are just a few shots of Little Lagoon & our yard taken today. Couldn't get down into G.S. --curfew--police ran us off, I plan to sneak in on bicycle tomorrow w/ camera.
Phone started working but my back-up dial-up account isn't, sooooooooooooo this is where it pays off to jot down the log-in info when your friends get you to help you with their computer problems, so you can use their accounts w/ other carriers in a pinch--ditto for the log-in and pass for Holiday Inn's etc....you just never know when it might come in handy !!
Still no electricity or cable, so laptop is operating on generator power. I reduced the size of these photos so they'd upload on slow dial-up, but you can still click for a bit larger version.
Two shots are the neighborhood of the Granny House in the little subdivision on Ft. Morgan and the tall skinny trees it backs up to during the storm.
G.S. is pretty badly under water, so we just don't know how bad the beqach errosion will be, or if this is gonna mess up the Shrimp Festival that is suppose to be in a few weeks......hope not. Whole community hopes not. Thanks for everyone's prayers--this hurricane just was not as bad as expected for us. But, New Orleans got it bad.