New Pool

Well, I had to send this photo up big because this is a big blow up pool. I spotted it at Tuesday Morning way back in something like April. Talk about impulse sale. Well, here it is August and I am just now getting time to get it out of the box and play in it. It is perfect !! About 12 ft across and came with one of those rechargable little pumps that blows this thing up in something like a minute and a half--no kidding. The instructions say--stick it in the valve of your air bed. So obviously , same co that makes those instant matress things. The detachable , floating beer holders are stuck on velcro tabs on the rim in the photo. I loll around reading and tanning. It is wonderful. When my friend Carol Mc flies in we can take turns taking photos of each other reading and relaxing in repose.
I tried to put it on the porch, but the porch is just way too narrow--didn't work out--on second day, as I was half asleep, I heard a big swwwwwwoooooosh. The rim dipped over the edge and water poured out. So now, it is on the driveway, but in a spot where Hurricane Ivan stripped all lower vegetation from the property next door so there is a nice breeze blowing thru.