WEVL webcasting at last !!!!

Just got an email from Judy Dorsey, the station manager at my old alma mater WEVL FM90 Volunteer Radio and you can now listen online. This is GREAT NEWS !!!
Still in 'beta' no link on the official website yet.
"Using Winamp:File -->> Play URL---> Cut & paste this URL into the box: http://peace.str3am.com:6030/listen.pls
, click Open and enjoy.
Download the latest at http://www.winamp.com/player/
Using Windows Media Player:File --->> Open URL---->> Cut & paste this URL into the box: http://peace.str3am.com:6030/listen.pls
, then click OK & enjoy.
Some listeners using Windows 98 and/or Windows Media Player version 6.4 may experience difficulty connecting to the stream. If your Windows Media Player has trouble connecting to the stream, upgrade your player to the most current version that is recommended for your computer.
Download latest at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/default.aspx
Using Itunes:Advanced ---> Open Stream or Open URL ---> Cut & paste this URL into the box: http://peace.str3am.com:6030/listen.pls
, click OK and enjoy
Download at http://www.apple.com/itunes/ (There are free versions for BOTH PC and Mac)
WARNING: You might see "WBAI 99.5 New York" in the WEVL webcast window, along with WEVL FM 89.9"
I am listening to my favorite show, NIGHT TRAIN and it sounds great !!!!! Lordy Charles I have missed you and your show !!!! Great to hear you down here in Gulf Shores.

And if you listen, JOIN....it is 100% listener supported, one of the very few in the nation.
11:55 p.m. WOW--Charles Just said "Hi Lundy--thanks for being there" on air !! Now I do feel special.......