Lost at 'sea'--and found !

Back in June, Tropical Storm Arlene was headed directly here--predicted to hit between Mobile and P'cola (that would be Gulf Shores !!) as a T.S. or a Hurricane and Russ Conn, my web helper, Heather's husband was helping me get my peddle boat up out of the water. We were down in the lagoon battling against bad wind and rain trying to lift that thing to safety...I ended up using a rope hooked to the back of my car to drag it to the north side of the house once we got it up on the lawn. Anyway---in the process, soon as I put foot in the lagoon, I lost my flip-flops in the waves. The second they came off I looked down grabbed the only one I saw and flipped it up in the yard, they were some favorites---never saw it's mate again, (we both looked and looked)---until today.
Now, almost three months later, I went down on our mini beach in front of the house to see what was 'happin' (never know what those hermit crabs might be up to) and low and behold, there was my long lost flip-flop, sitting bottom-side-up on the sand !
I hated to tell it that it's mate had long since gone to the county land fill :o(