Play the Stick Game

This idea came about when Jeffrey and his grandson Orion were spending the afternoon together on the front porch. Orion said, “Gramps, did you know that I am taking art classes and that I like art a lot...and I know a lot about art, too?!” Metzner responded by quickly drawing a stick figure image and asked, “OK, wise guy, what’s this?” “Gramps, that’s too easy,” Orion said, “That’s the Mona Lisa!” Metzner tested Orion with a few more and Orion tried a couple of his own, and before long the family got involved and everyone was hooked.
STICK: GREAT MOMENTS IN ART, HISTORY, FILM, AND MORE is a book for art lovers, film buffs, and anyone who appreciates the irony of art in its simplest form: stick.
But please define "cunical". I can only find definitions such as :
Cunical is an aqueous-based (water) vaccine no longer available in the UK.
Thanks, Lundy