Spring Break

We had good, sunny weather for the weekend and I am so glad for their sakes.
On Sat night we all went over to Mary & Jerry Nasello's house and cooked pizza and watched Borat. Jerry and Mary are WAY into making ho-made pizza and have this sourdough starter and 4 bread machines so they can have the dough all risen and ready to be rolled out on these huge wooden paddles. They have hot tiles in the oven all heated and ready so after everyone makes whatever kind of pizza they want, the pizza can be slid off the paddle onto the hot tiles to cook in the ovens.

Dave and I went to the grocery and got all sorts of pizza toppings, plus Mary had a bunch on hand too.

On Sunday, Dave and I went to Tacky Jacks in Orange Beach which is an on the water, outdoor hang-out/restaurant and Lisa Christian was playing guitar and singing out on the deck. It was really sunny, but there was still a bit of a chilly breeze in the shade. Dave joined her w/ his harmonica for one number and I videoed it with my little HP pocket digital camera.
There were several dogs there with their owners, some sitting in bar stools beside the owner but one cute little fellow was in an isle between tables and up on his hind legs asking for a bite to eat.
