Ocean Street

Sunday afternnoon I participated in a call for extras in the filming of an Ocean Street music video at Lulu's.
The Atlanta band is made up of some smart fellows, a Vandy grad, one from Rhodes (Memphis) , and one from one of the Ivy League schools (I forgot which), an AA baseball player. They were good. I chatted with a guy my age from Atlanta who was putting them all up in his Perdido beach house for the weekend. Look for me in the crowd on MTV I suppose, turquoise top & black sun hat.

They played the same song over and over, and it was play-acting, the microphones were just props the director kept reminding the band. The music really came from a little walkman looking CD player that one guy turned on and off over and over, that youc an see in the photo.
They filmed w/ the band on the outside stage in the Lulu's kids sand play area. The director wanted lots of clapping, hooping and hollering, and hands in the air. The mini-crowd was cooperative.
It was kinda hot, but we had a stiff breeze the whole time and the band bought for everyone over 21. They gave me a EP CD but I didn't stick around for the T-shirts.