People WANT to give me money !

Today is Sat and I am home doing domestic duties. Last night was a fun and interesting dinner at Tin Top and today is cleaning, organizing, weed-eating, blow-up swimming pool cleaning, sweating, billpaying, reading, and seeing that I have gotten my first donation from a thankful scrapbook website visitor for $27 !
This week, I finally got around to signing up for an Amazon donations account and a PayPal donation account and putting the links on
People regularly write me thank you notes, occasionally they call and thank me, so I figured it might bring in a bit of extra cash if I give them a way to make a little donation to the site as well. My very first one is larger than I expected.
Reading other people's experiences with Tip Jar links on their sites and blogs confirmed that there are people out there who will slip you a tip if you make it easy for them to do so. I know that I have done it. I have clicked 5 bucks to software writers when I was grateful for scripts they and written and I used them.
With PayPal they can use credit cards , checks or send from any reserve they might have in their PP account. Thru Amazon, they can use their Amazon one-click account as Amazon keeps their credit card info in their system.
So this will be interesting. And because she used PayPal, I get a copy of her email address so I can thank her.
I put the Donation links at the bottom of every page on the site, .....I'll let you know how it goes.
Note: Sunday noonish, got another contribution for $5 from the UK !