They have cold winters up here ! So far, not so bad, but it is suppose to get r-e-a-l-l-y cold later this week. Luckily I brought ear muffs and gloves and my $10 Walgreens fluffy muffler/scarf. Today Momma and I went to W-M and several stops, plus app't at PT for first visit. It was mostly an evaluation but she sent Mom home with a page of 6 exercises that I am just about sure that momma will do at most once or twice at most if left to her own devices. She is suppose to go back for several twice a week sessions at Campbell Clinic's (big Mempho ortho group) PT dept. A super tall beautiful blonde girl with a nice Southern double name did the strength evaluation on Mom. When asked if she ever fell or had balance issues, Mom was all smiles as she reported, Why no, she is just fine, maybe a little weak, but otherwise fine. On the side, I was doing hand motions of person collapsing on the horizontal. That adorable Geary Irwin took us to lunch at the Mexican rest. in the OakHall shop ...