Google Xmas

Well, one of my FedEx guys showed up today w/ my Google Christmas gift. I was hoping that I was still on the list.
I received a digital photo frame, software and attachments. I have not ever looked at one of these, except in catalogs. This thing seems to have its own operating system. I have to install software and drag the photos I want on the memory to a folder the software creates. Then I hook up the frame via USB and it retrieves the photos and stores them. You can slide in an SD card (not included) for even more storage. Don'tknow if it has limitations or it it can take a large capacity SD card. The frame came w/ 3 demo photos installed. After looking at those, it seems that the thing only looks good directly head-on at eye level....not like the photos of them sitting on an end table in catalogs.
I looked on ebay and someone has already listed theirs. The text on their page is funny :
Google has been busy this year sending all good little Adsense publishers their yearly holiday gift. These are the same people who brought you the Google light-up radio, the Google USB accessory kit, and this year the Google digital picture frame. These have been very collectable items in the past since very few people receive these items. Not even all Adsense publishers receive the yearly holiday gift. This is a gift reserved for the top Adsense publishers as a thank you for the millions of dollars that Google collects from ad revenue. This is your chance to have a high quality gift from Google that will make you feel like an Adsense winner, rather than posting to message boards wondering why Google never gives you anything. Impress your friends with your Adsense prowess and make hundreds of dollars off of the referrals that you will receive from others wanting to duplicate your success.
Special Bonus
As a special bonus I will even throw in a special holiday card received from Google. Add it to your Christmas Card collection and impress family members during special holiday dinners. This card is even better then the yearly White House Christmas Card. And for those of you who don't speak English, the card is translated into multiple languages. You can use this card to help you get started in learning that second language.
Hurry and bid early and bid often. A special gift like this won't last long.
FAQ:I won't be selling mind ! Are there any more Google recipients down here ? I did ask the FedEx driver if he had any others to deliver on his route...he was curious so he ck'd the whole truck. No. But then he just has one route.
Q: Why am I selling this?
A: This year I partnered with someone and signed up with Adsense under a business. Therefor there are 2 of us and 1 gift. Rather than cutting the gift in half we have decided to sell it on eBay. The proceeds will go towards buying Christmas gifts for our kids. I think our kids would much rather have a new toy to play with rather than a photo frame that talks to them.