The Village of G'town

It is very difficult to do computer stuff online here in Memphis. For a while I could get on neighbors wifi, but they all seem to turn their routers on and off, most off now and the one I pick-up a signal from is too weak.

I did manage to degrade some photos of Momma's and Daddy's new place to a small file size and up load to SnapFish via dial-up. I knew every reader would not care about these photos and want to wait for them all to load here.

Some pix are from T'giving and some are from the day Momma and the decorator, Jim Beck went over there. Click here to see the photos on SnapFish
In the photos, none of the painting has been started. The contractor 'assured' me that he would be finished by the end of this week, and that includes the hardwood floors...we shall see.

I am getting a ton of little error messages on which I have to click 'OK' in Firefox, so better use IE.


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