Happy Thanksgiving

I'm off to Mempho today. Long drive but it is sunny, not a cloud in the sky. I wont be able to post much , if at all, from memphis, only dial-up there...just barely.
Last night I went w/ Glenn to see The Guardian. I'd read some pretty good reviews. It was freezing in that theater, made all the colder by all those people drowning in icy water. Why would idiots go kayaking in the sea of death?
Two things struck me,
I didn't see a lifeboat anywhere on any of those sinking boats. What were those captains thinking? And the blonde singer in the bar in the early scenes,
why would an obviously well adjusted, talented, Southern woman move to ALASKA ! Not likely.......
Well, it turns out that the blonde singer is none other than Bonny Bramlett !
I wouldn't have known but I saw her name in the credits. She's have a long career....I think I first saw her w/ Leon Russell when i was in college. If you go to her site, look at the "Collaborations" Page.
I suppose that I'd go to Alaska , for a short visit, if Kevin Costner asked me to tho.