Rain, blocks, dinner, ... weekend

The blocks are arriving...see www.ConcreteCottage.com for play-by-play report.
I am staying at the Hardwood Dr house now, and come to the Lagoon House to work in the day or evenings. So call me on cell or at Hardwood Dr.
We have had tons of rain, sure needed it, but bad timing for my block transportation.
Had a fun dinner at Becky & Warren's Fri nite. They had Warren's 6 yr old grand son, Eric, a smart and good kid. He'd been loving it at the beach. Some Wash. D.C. friends, who have a beach house in same neighborhood as B & W came too. The mom's name is Sally and her daughter, Virginia. Virginia recently graduated from Univ. of Va. Now I wonder, since she started at Emory in Atlanta, think she switched to UVA cause she is named Virginia ? Anyway, she is a writer for a monthly publication in D.C. that covers politics....& stuff I know nothing about. We had grilled shrimp, yellow squash & onions, this great 'Asian' slaw, watermelon and then played Taboo. It was my first time to play Taboo, but as it turns out, I am pretty good at it...since it involves thinking but does not involve doing math in my head or spelling.
I have been spending a lot of time on my Villa Lagoon packet printing and looking up marketing directors names and company addresses.
Sat night , Dave and I went to Sunset Corkroom for a nice dinner. Lisa Zanghli (sp?) was playing there and she is always good. The food is too, but expensive.