Slabs & Footings

We are moving right along on the house project. My builder, Dan Zehentner is just the greatest. He stays so totally on top of every detail. He is in and out of the job all day....nothing gets by him ! I feel so secure about this project happening RIGHT. Inspectors came on Monday, Dan and I were there and first slab was poured Monday. Today the digging for the footer for garage and porches was happening. These heavy DAC-ART walls require a big ole footer, plus being on the water and recent hurricanes and all that.
The center section of the house slab was poured first. What you see now, as slab, will be the above ground basement. No blow-out walls or vents. If water gets in there, it will be by seepage or because it got high enuf to enter front door or guest room door and went down the steps in the guest room to the basement. This room will be tall enuf to stand in and do art projects, etc...good lighting, but everything I store down there will be in rubbermaid tubs so I can carry them up if a huge storm is threatening. If I ever mysteriously disappear, look for my body there...don't forget !
