About Google

Funny quote of the day today.

"A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment."
- Willis Player

The big news yesterday: Google agrees to pay $90 mln in click fraud suit
Reuters Story

Some comments on this from webmasters in a forun I read:
Frankly, we've been very aggressive about fraud detection and developed several proprietary tools for that purpose in addition to working, both with our data and our expertise, with a number of Tier 1 fraud specialists around the country (USA), and we've seen very little click fraud coming from Google in the past year or so.
99% of our detected fraud comes from Yahoo.

and from another:
I had filed a complaint with the FTC 3 years ago when we analyzed our stats and noticed 70% of visitors from Google remained less then 3 seconds on our home page. There are soo many companies that this effect, it's incredible. I just hope this encourages the big players to stop trying to expand their services while their core profit pipeline is flawed.

and from another:

Too bad they agreed to settle. I would be interersted in knowing what safeguards are actually in place to prevent click fraud and how effective they are, along with any technical solutions which could be enforced upon companies running PPC advertising to prevent fraud. This info. could have come out in court proceedings. The settlement is an easy out to not have to divulge the vulnerabilities in online PPC advertising.

and from another:
when our click tracking service was actually operational...we estimated 15% of clicks were garbage ( multi comp. clicks or 2 seconds and out)...

and from another:
Click fraud was one of the key business flaws G stated pre-IPO. They've been expecting this for a while and were laughing when the opposition said cool to $90M

"Google executives have repeatedly said the level of click fraud on its ad network is minuscule — a contention that the proposed settlement amount seems to support.

The $90 million translates into less than 1 percent of Google's $11.2 billion in revenue during the past four years."

Also of note, Yahoo was named in the suit also. They didn't settle and are going to fight it."


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