Shootin' Squirrels

Squirrels are not cute.
The squirrels have been driving me crazy.

Before Ivan, I had tall evergreen foilage on both property lines and the constant flutter of colorful birds zipping across the yard.
After Ivan, I have had almost no birds in the yard, so I put up some birdfeeders which have worked really well to lure some of them back. But the squirrels have ripped and chewed into the birdfeeders, not to mention, being complete hogs and terrorizing the birds.

It is time for the squirrels demise.

Bill brought a really nice pump pellet gun that he borrowed from his good friend, but wouldn't you know it, this weekend the squirrels didn't come around for the first time in weeks.

So, with his friend's permission, he left the gun here for me to use this week.

Since the last time I shot any similar gun was in 7th grade summer camp, I figured I had better get in a little practice. I have taken the screen out of the kitchen window so I can shoot right out the window. The squirrels usually show up right at the base of this tree. I made this dandy target w/ some clip art. The squirrel image is actually smaller than the real thing, so I figger that if I can hit the target, I can hit the rodent.

You can see my first two shots this morning. I'll get better, and while pumping the gun, develop a little arm strength at the same time.

And don't tell me to makemy birdfeeders squirrel-proof by adding all sorts of ugly barriers and so forth....this is Alabama after all (high time I was waving a gun around) & this is WAY more fun.


Anonymous said…
Hey Annie (Oakley),
In addition to shootin' the suckers, you might try my rodent cure. Take juicy fruit gum (no other) and cut the sticks into thirds, lengthwise. Put them out on the ground. Problem solved.
Lundy Wilder said…
Okay Dokey--thanks for the tip. Will buy gum on the way home today and report on results.
Anonymous said…
Any reduction in the squirrel population?

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