Amazon offering a Personal Tank

See this 20,000 dollar personal tank on the Amazon site.

Be sure to read the customer comments & reviews, pretty funny, they vary considerably.

Talk about a badmofo from another dimension, I used to have one back in the early 90's during the first Gulf war. I wasn't in the Gulf war but me and my buddies would drink a bottle of Absinthe get good and hallucenating and drive it through the Arab sections of town so I guess you could say I am a Gulf War vet! Anyhow this tank is also fun to take to mall parking lots on a busy day and send all my friends with body shops some business. highly recommended vehicle for family fun/combat/ or just when you feel like kickin someones ass for no reason!

Note too that 'customers who viewed this item also viewed":
Absinthe Kit w/ Spoon, Glass and Bottle
Green Devil Absinthe
"Stick Bombs'--Loftus International
If you order one, please use the Amazon link on, I'll get a little commission.


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