New Chandelier

With my friend's brawn and my brains (with a little advice from kind commenters to my blog), we successfully changed out the bathroom light fixture. I was perched precariously on a ladder (top permissable rung) and my friend, Carol, from Memphis, was like Moses and the children of Israel (holding arms up to support heavy fixture) - look it up in Exodus. We successfully disconnected the old, very heavy fixture. My friend narrowed - with her powerful grip - the chain so the canopy would slide over the chain. Together, we installed the Murano glass chandelier, and didn't require a trip to the e.r. I did the wiring, and we scotch taped the light switch off, to avoid electrocution. Flipped it on--everything worked and it is grounded. So far so good. Here are pic's. Together, we can do anything. We want to enter Survivor, but only if we can be teammates. Now keep in mind she had a two hour nap on a chasie lounge my porch today!
Happily no electrified steam has been produced yet, but Carol will take a hot shower and test this aspect of our project later.


Anonymous said…
From Carol,

Hot showers, and so far so good. No stunning electrified steam. We're having so much fun, not sure we'd know. Love the ocean. Am looking out Lundy's window at sparkling water. Love, love, love the ocean. Last night was foggy and ethereal. Wish vacation could go on forever. What a beatiful place, and a beautiful friend is Lundy!

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