Daphne Zydeco Festival

Stephen, Deanna, and I went up to Daphne near I-10 into Mobile for the Second Annual Zydeco Fest at the very nice Civic Center. The music was great Zydeco bands from S.W. Louisiana or East TX and as last year, Mona "Zydeco Queen" Wilson was on hand to give lessons and dance with the regular folk ! She's in the photo w/ black top and denim shorts.
Everyone I spoke to agreed that the Fest should be moved outside, sure A/C is great, but big fans are nice too and the interior of the very civilized Civic Center is just too 'sterile' . It was a 3 day event but we only went for Sat afternoon. Ran into friends from Memphis, N.O. , etc who asked me to dance, but I was still feeling really bad and my heart just wasn't into it.
I am inspired to get out my Zydeco instructional DVD's and do a little practicing at home, as I saw some really smooth Zydeco moves that I wish I could do. Stephen and Deanna are coming back this weekend (Memorial Day Weekend) , so maybe I can get them interested in learning the basic footwork. They didn't dance at all on Sat. We did all eat some 'rightly seasoned' crawfish tho.