Tuesday Busy

Last night Blogger was malfunctioning. I kept getting error messages so I went the Blogger Blog to see if anyone else was too, and they were, a Google employee said it was a server malfunciton. Things seem ok this a.m.

Fabo weather here--BTW.

My utility bills came yest and low-and-behold, the tab for watering the grass on Hardwood Dr (Granny House) during our long drought was about $250 !!!! AND, I looked around and the houses w/ absentee owners that got zero water, and who's grass had turned cardboard grey, now have green grass 3 or 4 days after our big rain......soooooooooo........while I thought the grass might actually die, and it certainly looked dead all around me, I will refrain from using city water to quench the thirst of the 'lawn' in the future. Here on Little Lagoon, I have a well, so it is just a bit of elecrticity to water grass (or bamboo) in times of need. No big deal.

More later.


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