
Showing posts from January, 2008

Mosaico Hidralicos

ओद्द थिंग, तेरे इस अ न्यू बटन ओं माय ब्लॉगर न्यू पोस्ट Well, I was gonna report that there was a new button on the interface that said "Use this button to type in Hindi" and I looked up, and low and behold, I was typing in Hindi...and I didn't even know I knew Hindi !!! And another spell check isn't even noticing !! But they are neat looking little designs aren't they ? My Mosaico Hidralico mold patterns came from Argentina. I found them on ebay of Argentina, by chance. I bought all that the dealer had. Eleven of them. I emailed him , he said they are hard to come by. I was surprised, some are little bitty. Well, about 4" x 4". (The standard is about 8" x 8".) I didn't expect that, but then the whole description was in Portuguese or Spanish and I only sorta really read one items entry, and the photos were all about the same size in the on screen description, but no matter, they are really interesting. I did expect them to ...

Russian Kitchen

Very cool Russian kitchens. I was looking at all sorts of Russian kitchen websites today, and found this one. (CLick the Title) I added this automatically thru my toolbar) I love the curvy look. Most Euro style kitchens have very sharp edge, box-y designs. This is a more hospitable look I think. I can't find anything like it in the States. Every time I explain that I was curvy cabinets, people roll their eyes. But since the kitchen is a part of the living room area, I want it to look real-un-kitcheny and more harmonious with everything else in the room. If I cant order it from Russia at a discount, then at least I now have photos to show the cabinet-builder. Interestingly, I found about a dozen Russian kitchen manufacturers with totally uber modern styles. I have added photos of Russian Kitchens and links to the kitchen manufacturers here.

Resession Related Searches

Yahoo's Molly McCall at The Buzz Log reports that Yahoo searches have spiked in the past week regarding "recession" She writes: "Over the past seven days, searchers propelled queries on 'economic recession' and 'recession' upwards. Lookups like 'last u.s. recession' and 'recession proof jobs' spiked. Even 'stagflation' - a term not normally found strolling the Buzz aisles-more than doubled its numbers." The phrase "definition of a recession economy" is up 500%; "what is a recession" is up 260%. This is seen heaviest in places you might expect, where the real financial centers are like New York, Illinois, and California. Strangely, the recession- related searches are extra-heavy in Tennessee, too. As the for square states, the nobody-lives-there states, and the- economy's-always-bad-anyway states, they don't seem to be all that alarmed.

Friday Night

Well, almost Sat morning...don't you just hate it in winter when you finally get out of the house to run errands, etc,,,and you go into a gas station or store and check out and the person behind the counter says 'have a good evening' and I am like just starting my day for real. They do it down here in winter. Due to the super short days, somehow they think it is evening the minute they finish lunch. That really bumms me out cause usually I have tons left to accomplish that day and am trying like crazy to get cranked up to get it all done...and not at all thinking about evening yet. Just another of the reasons I really hate winter. Well, fall is worse cause it is like the forerunner of the impending doom of winter. I really only like increasing day length, decreasing day length is not good for my bio-rythums. This week Heather and I worked on printable stuff related to Mardi Gras, which BTW is in full force down here already. MG is very early this year, not good, from the st...

Wednesday ?

I lose track of what day it is, but the faithful blog software always gets it right. I have continued to be really busy working on web stuff, and tile stuff. Oh yea, and paperwork stuff, as in getting taxed to death. I have had a ton of taxes to do. Business taxes from the City on both condos plus on the corporation. Owner assessments on the condos to pay building insurance ...ouch :o( a ton more paperwork that I cant even remember. I am terrible at paperwork. I hate it. But I have made myself use notebooks for everything. I have a paper punch that does all 3 holes at once, and I 3-hole-punch everything and file it away. As a result I have about 12 notebooks, and every year I have to come up with new year I was lucky and found clearance Pirate of Caribbean notebooks for something like 25 cents..I bought them all. I have used all of them now. I have to label them front, back and spine, to keep up with which is which so I got some clearance stretchy bookcovers that if I sew t...

If you have to live in coldland, make the best of it.

See the snowmen of Breckenridge. And the snowwomen.

The Tile of Your Dreams

Well, you will be able to order it soon. I am going into the tile business. Not just 'any' tile, no-sir-ree-bobtail. This is fabulous tile that is available and used just about everywhere in the world except the USA. Why, I don't know...but I plan to change that !! I suppose that because it is labor intensive may be one reason it has ceased to be produced here, but I really think over time, that could change too. If McDonalds can have monkeys squirt out catchup in controlled amounts, then I am sure my bro. Stephen can engineer a system to have encaustic tile slurry squirt out in correct colors and proportions in molds in the USA one of these days. But for now, I have designed 6 field tile patterns and 4 tile borders & corners to be made outside the USA. Now, I have never been to this place in person, but I am sure it won't be too long B4 I need to make a biz trip. ;o) Click the image to see it bigger. The tiles will be named after my house project. The Villa Lagoo...

Two short videos of the house construction

Villa Lagoon

If I Won the Google Fridge

A fellow named Dan Perry (no relation to Dave that I know of ) is having a contest to give away a very cool Goggle mini-fridge . He wants us to tell him how we'd utilize it if we won. Well, my current project, Villa Lagoon ( ), would not be possible were it not for Google. And, everyone can imagine how wonderful it would be to have a small fridge for cold beer or sweet tea in a guest room, so that is where I would use this awesome appliance since it is only because of Google that my guests will have a place to stay. I love having out of town company, and since I live at the beach, everyone loves to come down here. The contest's creator, Dan Perry, is of course invited to come for some Gulf Coast deep sea fishing, beach time and checking out historic Fort Morgan and Bon Secour Wildlife Reserve if I win. Not everyone appreciates Google paraphernalia as much as I do, but I gotta say, Google has definitely had a huge impact on my life and for that...

Should they be tested ?

According to CNN...Missile Deflectors added to passenger jetliners. Tens of thousands of airline passengers will soon be flying on jets outfitted with anti-missile systems as part of a new government test aimed at thwarting terrorists armed with shoulder-fired projectiles. Three American Airlines Boeing 767-200s that fly daily round-trip routes between New York and California will receive the anti-missile laser jammers this spring, according to the Department of Homeland Security, which is spending $29 million on the tests. Jets will fly with the jammer device mounted on the belly of the plane, between the wheels. The device works with sensors, also mounted on the plane, that detect a heat-seeking missile and shoot a laser at it to send the missile veering harmlessly off course. Officials emphasize that no missiles will be test-fired at the planes, which will fly between New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport and the international airports in Los Angeles and San Francisco...

Worst Album Covers of 2007

The comments under the photos are funny...


Carol will say this is repeating myself, but it is so newsworthy, I think I must let othres know. She told me the author of the Sweet Potato Queen books will be at Davis-Kidd for a booksigning. She posted this info on her blog. I then commented: Celebrities must be sweeping thru the South...Jill Conner Browne in Memphis and guess who was in Mobile today, none other than Jerrit, or is it Jared, yep I think that is it. They showed him signing autographs on a piece of paper that had before and after photos. I am sure our grandchildren will be lying on the sofa watching Antiques Roadshow when someone will present a signed , illustrated document about Jared for evaluation. They will say that they think he lost all this weight working to build mass transit systems--Subways...and the guy will agree, that in the old days it WAS hard, heavy work....and what a wonder that this document survived.

Important Info

Think you might be flying out of Europe anytime ? Read and print this info and take it with you. Most or many US passengers will not know this and will lose their opportunity to take advantage of passenger protection rights (if needed) Here is a summary

Browser Add-on

I usually dont like interactive browser add-on stuff, but honestly, I have found Snap-Shots to be a big help and also a time saver when looking over search engine results...i can spot a MFA or spamy page before i open it and just move on to the next. I just found out, after making the preceding post that the Snap-Shots device will allow you to scroll thru a page of flicker photos like a slideshow without having to load the entire flicker page. See my screenshot of how it works. Remember, you can click the image to see it bigger. I dont know what the business model for Snap-Shots is, maybe they just sell userdata stats to others...maybe later it will become ad-laden. (It already has that small 'related-searches' list in blue, so technically, those are ads probably )..I'll uninstall it if that happens. But for now, I find it helpful. OK--just went to their site and it is aimed at getting site owners to install Snap-Shots on the site or blog, but quite frankly, I think it res...

Highminded Tatoos

What kinds of inky-arts do scientists wear ? See for yourself.

My Little Message

For you ! And then a bit more penguin fun in French AND... Very clever animation, appreciated by anyone who uses graphics/photo-editing programs or Flash. Animator vs. Animation More video fun. The "O" Phone And a really good parody