If I Won the Google Fridge

A fellow named Dan Perry (no relation to Dave that I know of ) is having a contest to give away a very cool Goggle mini-fridge. He wants us to tell him how we'd utilize it if we won. Well, my current project, Villa Lagoon ( http://www.ConcreteCottage.com ), would not be possible were it not for Google.
And, everyone can imagine how wonderful it would be to have a small fridge for cold beer or sweet tea in a guest room, so that is where I would use this awesome appliance since it is only because of Google that my guests will have a place to stay.
I love having out of town company, and since I live at the beach, everyone loves to come down here. The contest's creator, Dan Perry, is of course invited to come for some Gulf Coast deep sea fishing, beach time and checking out historic Fort Morgan and Bon Secour Wildlife Reserve if I win.
Not everyone appreciates Google paraphernalia as much as I do, but I gotta say, Google has definitely had a huge impact on my life and for that, I am eternally grateful.