Its a Miracle !

The 10 arm chandelier here at home has had one arm that has failed to light up for a couple years. They all worked right at first--but after a few months--one light just wouldn't burn. The chandelier was shipped in pieces from Italy and I had assembled and wired it here.
I figured that somehow, one of the wirenut connections in the central hub musta just gotten pushed sideways and caused a bad connection when I shoved all the spaghetti wiring inside the cone shaped part that hides it.
Over the years, I had tried everything I knew short of disassembling the fragile thing to look for the bad connection. I figured one day I'd tackle that. Meanwhile, when I got back after Christmas, I found that so many bulbs were burned out or unscrewed themselves, that I was down to only two lit bulbs. I brought the really tall ladder inside and went around tightening and replacing bulbs.
Low and behold---all 10 arms are working !!!!! I'm holding my breath....I sure didn't want to have to start dissembling that thing. Click for biggie photo.
Little note: The top most do-dads are still blown around to one side from Hurricane IVAN. We just left them that way as a reminder. Plus it is a long way up there to change !