Set New Speed Record !

I made it to Memphis from Gulf Shores in 7+ hours !!!!!

Route: State Hwy45 out of Mobile, all the way to Tupelo where I picked up Miss State Hwy 78 to Memphis, Got off at Byhalia Rd in Miss and wandered northwards thru Miss & Collierville, TN and county roads till I got on Houston Levy N. to Macon Rd in Cordova.

Stopped for gas twice and bathroom. Beautiful sunny day, light traffic, no police, no active construction zones.

Idiotic CD player wouldn't work right tho--got to listen to my book on CD part of the way then got all these error messages. But soon as I can, I am gonna get a magazine style CD player that loads 8 or 10 CD's in a clip and has a faceplate that will stick on behind the steering wheel. I like that kind because it will give you a read-out of what CD is playing, song name, etc...and the player part is very straightforward.

This thing in my car now is some original equipment CD player that is located way low on the center console area of dash(no way to look at it and road at same time) and has all these suppose-ed modes, and once you stick in a CD, it takes it s-l-o-w-l-y to the depths of some underground player that gives error messages about half the time. The whole thing is all about waiting--wait for the green lights to flash once you let it know that you want to stick in a CD, change the radio buttons to some mystic mode, and tell all the buttons to become cd buttons...all this while trying to drive. To get a CD out is just as much trouble in reverse. Wait on double red flashy lights...forget it. I have to keep the Trooper on the road and off the cows at 90 mph.

Anyway--now that Xmas is past--they will probably be some deals on Car CD players. I'll watch the newspaper ads.


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