Lundy Island

One of my UK scrapbooking visitors wrote me today, sending links to websites about my island.
I knew about it. In fact, a few years ago, I ordered a little (overpriced) enameled pin from a museum gift shop of the Lundy Island Puffin Bird. I wear it occasionally, just for fun.
Seems my website visitor lives near my island & thinks I should visit more often (I have never been there, but they seem to carry on in my absence).
Visitors are carried to Lundy on the MS Oldenburg, Lundy's own ship. Seems my ship even has a bar and carries over 200 passengers. It doesn't look that big to me in the photos. Maybe they sit closely or dangle their legs over the side.
The official Lundy Island website (clickable link) says:
It is difficult to pin down why the island has such an effect on people. What is noticeable is visitors' enthusiasm. Whatever it is they are doing on Lundy, they really enjoy it.I like that cheery statement !
And Lundy Island folk are might proud of this fact:
The Lundy cabbage flea beetle Psylliodes luridipennis is found only Lundy and nowhere else in the world.
And there is a guy who has a whole buisiness built around selling Lundy Stamps.
