Lundoo Bamboo

Another load of bamboo is headed south.
I went to Momma's and Daddy's today when Man, the yardman, was there and he helped load my car with a second load of bamboo for me to plant along my property lines. I hope to get an early start tomorrow and for once, I am glad it is suppose to be a rainy day. That way the sun won't scortch the leaves thru the windows and the soil will be nice and moist for planting them out the next day, which is suppose to be sunny.
The rainy front that is moving across Mississippi and Alabama is moving fast according to the online weather maps, so should be on over to FL by Sat.
See that little brown box with a hole cut in the end in the center of the bamboo leaves in the front seat? That is a peep-hole shaft that Harry made for me for the last batch of bamboo that I took down. He had it aimed at the side mirror, but I think it will serve me best if it just looks out the window. I had a near miss in Meridian because I couldn't see anything out my right window.
I'd have been fine if I'd have stayed on the highway--it was whilst I was weaving around in Hudson's territory.
If I can get that idiotic CD car player to work tomorrow, I'll get to listen to the conclusion on the Nicholas Spark's travel book on CD while I drive. If not, maybe I can look around and find a portable CD player around here. I didn't make much headway going thru Miller's boxes. It just tears my heart out to open and dig thru them, and I never get very far.