It is 37 degrees as I speak. Yipes !
Just got back from dinner at Lulu's and it is only 9:30, so tonight will probably be our coldest night of the year. Shelly Pulliam has been here this weekend and she leaves in the morning so Marti Choate , Mark Berson, Shelly and I went to Lulu's to hear Brent Burns and have dinner.
I am sooooo thrilled to say that Lulu's has added a menu item that is actually really good. The hamburgers and most fried stuff was always good, but other than that, and maybe the gumbo, it was hard to find anything I wanted to they have a marinated rare tuna sandwich that comes with some great 'asian style' , (their name for it) , slaw which is really, really good. I am so glad to have something positive to write about in my Gulf Shores restaurants web page about the food at Lulu's. I end up going there a lot because of 1. location, 2. out of towners want to go there and 3. they actually do sometimes have the best music down here. Now I have something I look forward to ordering.
We had a good time this weekend. Marti and Shelly got to town on Fri evening and Marti made a HUGE pot of beef/veggie soup so we ate her soup and stayed up late visiting and laughing. On Sat. Dave got here from P'cola area about 2:30 and we cooked up a storm. We lit the grill and cooked marinated boneless skinless chicken thighs and grilled veggies including pineapple. Dave can flat-out cook, really. Oh, and it was my idea to make the cookies in the mango sorbet stick up like nuke-liar reactors, I can't blame that on anyone else.

Marti and Shelly brought Mardi Gras tiaras for us all and a Mardi Gras CD. Down here everyone seems to be really glad to get Christmas out of the way so we can get started on Mardi Gras. Mark came to eat with us and good friends Becky & Warren were gonna come but they have been flying about so much and the weather was awful so they stayed in New Orleans since they are headed back out of town in a different direction this week.
Sunday several of us went to Lulu's for lunch....some mutual friends, Allan Lameier & Pam Daniels were here that a while back Marti and I fixed up in the first place, blind date style and sho nuf, they hit it off great and are now quite a couple. So nice when something like that works out. Lulu's makes a great bloody mary with not only olives, but pickled okra on the toothpick..... Perfect for Sunday lunch.
Marti and Shelly, both former interior designers, helped me mark up my plans for things like phone, cat 5 cables, pocket doors, etc....and tomorrow morning my builder, Dan is to be here at 10 a.m. to go over them. Then I have lunch at 2 p.m. with a couple of banker fellows, one a good friend, at Cosmos. Heather is running fever and not able to come into work, so I will need to squeeze in computer time whenever possible.
Because the hobby of scrapbooking is spreading across Europe and elsewhere, we put out a call for volunteer translators in exchange for crafts and scrapbooking books and the response has been wonderful. We just need to make sure that we have everything we want on that one page of text that we get translated into all these languages to explain my site and answer the most common questions. Making handmade cards has been a popular hobby in the UK and Netherlands for some time and my site gives them backgrounds to use for their cards, plus small cut-outs. We want the website to be 'search engine friendly' in all these languages.
Plus, Heather and I have about a dozen other web projects we are working on.
Just got back from dinner at Lulu's and it is only 9:30, so tonight will probably be our coldest night of the year. Shelly Pulliam has been here this weekend and she leaves in the morning so Marti Choate , Mark Berson, Shelly and I went to Lulu's to hear Brent Burns and have dinner.
I am sooooo thrilled to say that Lulu's has added a menu item that is actually really good. The hamburgers and most fried stuff was always good, but other than that, and maybe the gumbo, it was hard to find anything I wanted to they have a marinated rare tuna sandwich that comes with some great 'asian style' , (their name for it) , slaw which is really, really good. I am so glad to have something positive to write about in my Gulf Shores restaurants web page about the food at Lulu's. I end up going there a lot because of 1. location, 2. out of towners want to go there and 3. they actually do sometimes have the best music down here. Now I have something I look forward to ordering.
We had a good time this weekend. Marti and Shelly got to town on Fri evening and Marti made a HUGE pot of beef/veggie soup so we ate her soup and stayed up late visiting and laughing. On Sat. Dave got here from P'cola area about 2:30 and we cooked up a storm. We lit the grill and cooked marinated boneless skinless chicken thighs and grilled veggies including pineapple. Dave can flat-out cook, really. Oh, and it was my idea to make the cookies in the mango sorbet stick up like nuke-liar reactors, I can't blame that on anyone else.

Marti and Shelly brought Mardi Gras tiaras for us all and a Mardi Gras CD. Down here everyone seems to be really glad to get Christmas out of the way so we can get started on Mardi Gras. Mark came to eat with us and good friends Becky & Warren were gonna come but they have been flying about so much and the weather was awful so they stayed in New Orleans since they are headed back out of town in a different direction this week.
Sunday several of us went to Lulu's for lunch....some mutual friends, Allan Lameier & Pam Daniels were here that a while back Marti and I fixed up in the first place, blind date style and sho nuf, they hit it off great and are now quite a couple. So nice when something like that works out. Lulu's makes a great bloody mary with not only olives, but pickled okra on the toothpick..... Perfect for Sunday lunch.
Marti and Shelly, both former interior designers, helped me mark up my plans for things like phone, cat 5 cables, pocket doors, etc....and tomorrow morning my builder, Dan is to be here at 10 a.m. to go over them. Then I have lunch at 2 p.m. with a couple of banker fellows, one a good friend, at Cosmos. Heather is running fever and not able to come into work, so I will need to squeeze in computer time whenever possible.
Because the hobby of scrapbooking is spreading across Europe and elsewhere, we put out a call for volunteer translators in exchange for crafts and scrapbooking books and the response has been wonderful. We just need to make sure that we have everything we want on that one page of text that we get translated into all these languages to explain my site and answer the most common questions. Making handmade cards has been a popular hobby in the UK and Netherlands for some time and my site gives them backgrounds to use for their cards, plus small cut-outs. We want the website to be 'search engine friendly' in all these languages.
Plus, Heather and I have about a dozen other web projects we are working on.
Their key lime drink is yummy!