Jesse "Guitar" Taylor

I am in a state of shock and sadness. Whilst unpacking I came across an older copy of experience Austin w/ awesome action photo of Jesse Taylor on the cover. In the back of my mind I remember hearing that Jesse was ill some time ago, so this a.m. I did a search and to my dismay I found that Jesse died this past March.
What a loss. I first heard of Jesse from a radio programmer friend in Memphis, Ann Howard, who knew him personally. When Judy Weeks and I flew to Austin one time we were fortunate to see Jesse play w/ Joe Ely at Liberty Lunch in what, I believe, was the very last show ever at Liberty Lunch in downtown Austin before it became history. The fabulous live recording, Joe Ely Live at Liberty Lunch was recorded there (highly recommended). Another time, Ann introduced me to him backstage at Austin Music Hall on New Years Eve.
I looked on Amazon and ebay and the few of his recordings (other than the ones w/ Joe Ely which were mass produced--and great) are either unavailable or collectors items selling for around 40 dollars from dealers in Holland.
Jesse was not only a guitar player supreme, but a gifted painter and illustrator and everyone and I mean everyone thought he was the sweetest tough guy around.
Moral of this story: get up off your stay-at-home butt and get out and hear some GOOD live music. It is fleeting magic.
I have already looked at the price of air tickets from P'cola to Austin.....I feel Austin calling.