Great Sunglasses

Crazy Love....true story...a movie shown at Sundance this yr. Check her sunglasses....I think this photo was taken before he hired three men to throw lye into her eyes which left her blind. He did 14 yrs in prison and they married when he was released. Wow-e !
I'm just diggin' the sunglasses.
I bid on a pair on ebay this week but did not get them. They were vintage bamboo shaped plastic cat-eyes with green lenses. I really wanted them, I have a pair of bamboo painted mules (open toe, slip-in shoes for those who don't know, actually FMP's) and it would be a great match, but the price went way up over 50 bucks and I am not an idiot. So someone else will be behind those cool shades.
I did buy a really reasonably priced pair of old sunglasses on ebay last week. They are cool too, not as cool as the bamboo ones tho. The coolness is in the arms. They were overlooked by most bidders because the description was bad. Well, the description was fine, the title was bad, poor choice of words. I think I will wear them tomorrow.

Tomorrow my builder, Dan Z and I are riding over to Theodore, AL (home of the silver hair favorite: Bellingrath Gardens) to Ted's DAC-ART plant. Dan will get to see the operation and meet Ted for the first time. We will probably spend some time on the plans for my addition. Ted has his CAD computers and draftsmen there. We want to get some plans that are at a stage that can be submitted for a permit. Dan knows I am on go-go-go. Dan and I will probably have to go up to Grenada, MS soon to see about the blocks I am buying...more on that later.
I had a meeting w/ my new CPA this week. When he heard my nifty ideas he seemed to have a slight smile the whole rest of the appointment. Said my plan was most unusual and a first for him. He shared some insightful info w/ me about tax stuff and GoZone tax breaks, etc...He says I must have my project finished by 2008 to meet GoZone requirements , that is IF I can meet them, I said, NO PROBLEM-O...cause I think once we start it will go fast. (Eternal optimist, I know) CPA said there is a lot of GoZone info yet to be handed down from the tax gods, but we think we will attempt to qualify. Got nothing to lose by trying.
Photo of Dan Z, my builder. Dan has built about 3 houses for my very good friend Becky Gottsegen. She is crazy about him. Great recommendation. AND...He is the kind of guy who enjoys the unusual.

Dan and I went down to the Nasello job one day last week and he got to see a DAC-ART structure happen' and talk to Mary and Jerry the owners plus turns out that he knows some of the guys doing the job already. so that is a big plus. It will be about an hour and half ride over to Ted's plant from here.
Then tomorrow night I meet Dave Perry at my favorite restaurant, Cosmos, in O.B. for dinner, that will be good. Dave has not been there yet. I have been there about 45 times !
Then next day Marti Choate from Huntsville returns for a week plus visit. Another friend, Shelly from Memphis is coming for about 3 or 4 of the days Marti is here. The Hardwood Dr house is still covered up in boxes from last U-Haul, I will be working odd hours to get stuff out of their way and clean bathrooms, etc...hoping that Marti gets here late, late, late in the day on Thurs. Besides a place for a good night's sleep, Marti needs a good place to work on her fabric orders, use Internet, fax stuff to the home office, etc...and the table she used to use now has a daybed in its place...I must improvise.
And my nails need doin'...I can't wait for summer when there are more hours in the day !
This past weekend was jes fine. Dave came over on Sat afternoon. He stopped at Joe Patti's in P'cola and brought huge shrimp, snapper and muscles. ....we cooked together for an hour or two and had a fantastic meal of seafood, brussel sprouts, garlic French Bread (he got at Joe Pattis), sesame dressing salad. In fact, we had so much that I just had the snapper for dinner tonight. It had been marinating since Sat and was great !
I saw a brussel sprout recipe in the newspaper called Maple Syrup Glazed B.S. and we fixed it and it was really good IF you like Brussel sprouts. Glenn had brought me fresh maple syrup the last time he went to Vermont.
Last night good friend, Mark Berson, and I went to the Beach Club for all -you-can-eat shrimp dinners. So-so food, so-so service, as usual for here least Mark had no problem with me asking what that runny white stuff on our plates was suppose to be (tartare sauce we were told) and then ordering some horseradish, chopped onion, relish, parsley, tobasco and we re-made the tartare sauce at out table. We decided that maybe because it is SnowBird season, that they totally de-season the food at all the restaurants. We looked around and we were the youngest people in the restaurant most of the time.
then, later
...I put together a wooden wall mount cabinet, I have had a brain storm on how to pull more rentals to my condo units. The cabinets are part of the plan...more on that later....with photos.
Another incident of an ebay seller selling MY GRAPHICS on a CD collection in the UK. Thank goodness that I have these worldwide scouts that report that stuff to me. I filled out all the necessary ebay UK paperwork and submitted it and wrote the seller an email (scathing)...who replied that she was sorry and would "ck on it". I love it when they include Disney graphics too (as she did), when they do that, I report the Disney infringement to a special email address and I can count on the big guns to kick ass. A later email said that she had removed all her auction items.
Headed to bed, the alarm is set....