Great Weekend !

We are having the mildest winter. It is fabulous. Days in the 70's, nights in 60's. Very little cold weather. My St Augistine grass is leafing out again.
Friday night Dave Perry came over from P'cola area (brought me flowers, see above :0) and we went to dinner at good friends, Becky & Warren Gottesegen's. They are great people who live part time in a very cool home on the Gulf. Becky is an incredible cook. She made awesome crab cakes, grilled asparagus, and a super salad w/ goat cheese and toasted pecans. I took lemon tarts I made with fresh raspberries on top.
Afterwards, I got to see Dave's portfolio. He is a writer w/ a strong science background and does advertising and marketing projects.
Sat was a chill-out day, sleeping late, just hanging out and going to Jerry Nasello's construction site. Jerry & Mary were there and the workers were even there working. The weather was just awesome. The house is getting on up there and they have a great view of the gulf.
That night this whole community was very into football. Indianapolis vs. Baltimore. ....(Peyton Manning)
Sunday, I was having coffee on the porch and chatting on the phone when i looked up to see Doris and Joe Williams from Memphis sitting on the road...turns out there are here for a month. I had not seen either of them since Miller's funeral. They had never been here before. Joe was pastor of Cornerstone Bible Church when we were there and Doris and I were good friends. They came to the house and hung out a while. It was great to see them.

About an hour after they left, Dave came back over and we drove in his convertible down to Ft Morgan and had a little picnic. He had binoculars w/ him and it is fun to watch the ferry and gas rig going's on. I watched a helicopter land on an offshore rig. Back in town later, we went to the grocery and Dave got some fish, asparagus, salad, wine and get this.....came back here and HE COOKED A FANTASTIC MEAL all by himself. He cleaned up too. This is obviously a man of many talents. He can dance too ! Actually likes to ! And smart, smart, smart....into "CQK"....continuous quest for knowledge :o)