From Memphis

Good Morning from Memphis

I drove thru rain all day yesterday but when I got here I found warm weather so I was elated.

The packing team of 3 ladies worked all day yesterday and got TONS done. Things are a lot more organized here than I expected.

I do think that perhaps Momma is expecting more to fit into the new space than will realistically fit, so some additional sorting will prob have to take place once the boxes get over there...but that is OK.

I brought Jerry Nasello's video camera so I hope to make a little video for YouTube. I need practice as a movie maker anyway.

The evening before I left for Memphis, advertizing/writer and all 'round creative (& cute) guy Dave Perry came for dinner and we talked a bit about putting together a promotional packet to give to manufacturers who express an interest in getting a listing on my websites.
We will let them know that we can work that out in exchange for components for the Phase II construction. I am excited about putting this together when I get back to LA. That would be Lower Alabama.

OK, the packer ladies are now in my space, so I need to finish getting dressed and get with the program.


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