Cool Birds in the Yard

I love living on the water. There have been great birds hanging about lately. All sorts of woodpeckers including this pileated woodpecker who had this large black bird buddy that he was hanging out with. Where ever the woodpecker flew, the blackbird followed, from tree to tree and back again. I took these photos thru the kitchen window as I poured my coffee.
Then, on the property next door, every day this huge hawk like bird (I'll have to look him up in one of the books) sits on the high branches of these pines. I didn't have fresh batteries in my 10X zoom yesterday, only my 3X , so these were the best shots I could get. You may have to click on the far-away shot of the tall trees to see the bird in the tree on the right.

I have not seen snakes this year, maybe he is one of the reasons.... (off topic...I still see a good many foxes too)