Great Neighbor !

My next door Neighbor at the Hardwood Dr house was in town this weekend and bless his heart, that man is a ball of energy. FOR REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He cut my (mostly dead) grass, edged all the driveway , sidewalk, and patio, blew off the clippings, washed down the coils on my A/C, moved my sprinklers every 15 minutes. Not just my house but his as well,
He cut down two dead trees just across the barbed wire on the wildlife refuge and then cut them into small pieces with a chain saw and put the chunks in the woods for the insect and woodpeckers, etc...hell, he even scrubbed out the interior of my fiberglass boat, rinsed it , moved it around the back yard. His energy is boundless.
I baked him 6 small Karo Pecan Pies to Lady Bird Johnson's recipe that I got from my cousin Ruth Switzer of Dallas. I have always thought that the name 'Lady Bird' was a FINE name and that her pie recipe was indeed the best one I'd had. I would have baked one regular sized pie, but my neighbor was proud of the fact that he had recently lost 25 lbs. and the last time I gave him one, he said it was so good, he ate it in one sitting (with later regrets) so I made the pies small so he could freeze them and take them out in stages. He said he had not had such good pecan pie since his Mamma died. He thinks most people over cook them.
He says that next weekend he will clean all the mildew growing on the underside of the eaves of my house. AND---he has volunteered to come over and cut the grass at my Lagoon house .......this is what I call a good Southern neighbor.
He lives somewhere up near B'ham but occasionally does general contracting work down here and has property on Ono Island so he keeps the Hardwood Dr house for when he is down here (plus as we have all learned, anything 'on the island' is a good investment )
We just ALL hope we get some rain from that tropical storm thing that is in the news.