I Swear This Is True

Now 'my' osprey chirps until I come outside if I am inside or come around to the side of the porch where he can see me and then he stops chirping.
He always faces this way, he never faces to the East. You may think that I just pick out photos of him facing me, but no this is not the case. He always faces this way.
It is becoming a very interesting thing. If he is out on the water's edge and chirping, and I come out there and photo him, he will become silent when he sees me. If I go back inside, sometimes he flies into the thicker center part of the property and starts chirping. If I come out and walk the property line until I find him and whistle (he is still always looking this way), he stops chirping.
He is trying to train ME. He is the only bird who's chirp is loud enuf for me to hear thru my DAC-ART walls.
Now , this is one huge bird that is WAY up in the tree tops. Remember that I am using a 10X zoom and cropping him out of a MAX megapixel photo. Click last photo to enlarge and look for him.
Here are today's photos. One of him out near the water and one of his 'hide and seek' game. You can see the sunset colors reflected in this photo.