Outside my Comprehension

Tonight I watched the movie Hotel Rwanda that I have wanted to see for a long, long time. The story is based on true facts in 1994. This might have been yesterday in terms of mankind's time on earth. Over a million bodies left slaughtered and lying in the African roads. Similar things are going on in Sudan right now.
I have not ever been able to bring myself to watch the movie 'The Killing Fields'.
Iran is a whole 'nother story. I am appalled at the stories of daily life in Iran. Raw sewage running thru the streets, gunning down of innocent families, etc...I read some blogs from soldiers, but have had to stop.....i get to the point that I just can't take it.
Last year (or the year before) I read the statement"100 years of psychotherapy and the world is getting worse" the anniversary of Freud's first major book publishing or something. It is so very true.
Knowledge of the ongoing suffering of mankind on earth makes our usual U.S. trivial trials pale in comparison.
I know it all boils down to "why can't we just all get along?" --seems so simple. Agree to disagree if necessary, or reach a compromise.
Two things I do not understand why they are not taught in elementary school and up, up, up...
1. How wicked the world really is and exposure to the ongoing atrocities ...
maybe some bright minds would formulate some solutions to integrate into local societies.
2. How mortgages work, personal finances and what is involved in running a business as a sole proprietor
Seems like these would be fundamental lessons so very much more important than spelling lessons in the day and age of spell check. My foster son, graduated high school and did 4 years in the Navy and has no idea how a mortgage works. (He recently called me in the excitement of the idea of buying a house---and he is no where near ready to be able to do that).
I also found after 5 years in college, 20 or 30 something years ago that I had no idea that people actually paid much more for their houses than they would have due to how mortgages worked. I remember the actual conversation and how shocked I was.....parents, teachers, ....no one ever mentioned this to me. But I digress....
Back to Hotel Rwanda--I am confused over the fact that as the world becomes smaller and more tightly knit due to the Internet and email, there is still a great divide and great decisions to be made as to how involved one government should get into another countries government and what happens in that country. I do not have the answers. Many African and Arab governmental minds seem completely crazy to me. Plenty of American minds seem completely crazy to me. I go easily into brain overload and can only focus on things I consider rational, which is usually a pretty small orbit.