
We have had essentially no rain for several months now. Mobile and Daphne have had rain and thunderstorms, but as often happens the rainclouds have skirted around Mobile Bay, going north of us. I watered the grass at the Hardwood Dr house last month and my water bill was over 200 bucks (no well, sewer fee added to H20 usage), and still a lot of it is dead. I just can't stand to see it all die totally. As I have been over there so much, working on unpacking boxes or putting them in the attic, I have tried to give it short spurts of water (I know turfgrass management says that is bad practice, causes shallow roots, but too bad, I tried the other method, didn't do much good)
You can see how spotty it is and the brown areas are not dormant, they are dead. I suppose I'll overseed w/ rye in fall, but then, not sure what I'll do for next warm season. If we continue to have such dry weather, maybe consider Buffalo Grass or pavers !
The Lagoon house grass is fine. Since I am daily moving my well-fed sprinklers to keep my bamboo healthy, my grass is lush.