Today's Osprey Report-Fish Hawk

Today was Sunday and after I properly encouraged my next door neighbor on Hardwood Dr. in his yard work activities, I spent a lot of the afternoon lolling in my blow-up pool and beginning to read my second Christmas Gift book. It is Sooooo funny. A great pool lolling book. Not at all like The Search--which required my full attention and had only the slightest hint of humor but was a good read and actually brought me to tears at the very tail end. It would not have done that to most people, I am sure. It was about the history of the Internet and the history of the companies that have had the biggest impact in its formation. But John Battelle finishes up with the 'where were you and what did you feel when you first learned of it ' thing, like the 'where were you when Kennedy was killled thing' and I remember the moment in the history of my life when I was just overcome with emotion and the 'this could be BIG' feeling ..... and then John Battelle goes on to talk about the immortality aspects of the web and I began to think of that Miller had just registered before he died and put photos of his Mooney (airplane) online that he was so excited about and was actively restoring ....and he sorta threw his resume up there but knew that it was just a 'catch-all' domain for the time being till he could finish up grad school and then focus on using it in some real way. And of course we are about 2 days away from the 2 year anniversary of his death plane crash....and is still online and still just a moment trapped in time I finished The Search in tears.
I have the idea of scanning the wonderful scrapbook that the Univ of Tennessee put together of Miller's career there and put those pages online on his domain along with some of the good photos of him in Isreal I recently ran across amongst his stuff. Maybe some of the letters and emails people sent too, photos of him catcvhing and cooking crabs, etc... That way if any of his classmates, later on, do a search to see what became of him, they will get a more complete picture.
No one could believe how badly I miss Miller Wilder. I am crying now and can't type much more.
Anyway--while floating around in the pool this afternoon, just starting my second Christmas gift book (a very funny one) , I took a photo of my Ospery buddy. And I swear , I saw two today, with two different calls, so maybe there will be a nest in the property next door to me.